Also called: Journey to your inner pagoda or The Pagoda Way

Protocol of Being

Protocol of Being Manifesto

Journey to find your inner Pagoda

The Pagoda Way

  1. We recognize the interconnectedness in our nature.
    1. Before we act, we understand the cost and effects of our actions.
    2. We observe and learn from nature when we design systems.
    3. We embrace Traditional Ecological Knowledge, which includes the indigenous worldview and wisdom/
  2. We steward the people and environment around us towards encouraging people to explore their true nature and express (Self to others)
    1. We bring awareness to greed and create space for human beings to explore their own sense of self, learning how to live outside of the ego.
    2. We turn to unlearn to move away from a world that fails to recognize that we might be wrong and that there might always be something to learn.
    3. We embrace non-violence values and respect our fellow human beings and their boundaries.
  3. Resilience
    1. Resilient at the individual level, more awareness of our mental and physical states.
    2. Resilience as a community, living collectively and understand that each of our actions feed into the growth of our community
    3. We use crises and trauma as our power, identify the dark tunnel, knowing the community is there to support our recovery, synthesize
  4. We weave together our wisdom and collectively fabricate an interoperable future for Aisa.
    1. We collaborate,
    2. We see the world as a whole, where culture, resources and ideas circulate throughout the system.
    3. We cir
    4. We legofy the work we do
    5. We bring our values into our infrastructure
    6. Oneness
    7. Circulation
    8. Weaving and connecting and fabricating (composing)

Soil, seed, plant, composting

power of now

long-term thinking