Why we exist?

Matt: (what is the reason we Pagoda exist) we exist to collaborate over public blockchain goods, decentralized communities and shared spaces for noble or positive long term / generational impact that honors and includes the diverse cultures of Asia

Asia has been affected deeply by ‘dark flows’ of nationalism, war, colonialism, environmental degredation etc. The rise of digital technologies and the Internet over the past few decades, while creating new ways of living and improved opportunities for people, has also exacerbated and further propagated some of these dark flows. Internet shutdowns, invasive censorship and surveillance regimes, dis/misinformation campaigns, online scams, violation of privacy, etc are several examples of problems that plague countries around the region. In addition to this, the impact of social media and the hyper online culture on youth in the region is yet to be fully understood.

Trees loosing rooting

Who we are?

Matt: we are an assembly of asian visionaries (human nodes of a larger network) aligned with public-spirit and decentralization ethos.


All the pagoda efforts are powered by a steering commit

What do we support?

Matt: we support movements and individuals that align with the pagoda way?

How to become one of us?

Matt: Onboard, participate, contribute

The Pagoda State: We are not..