Pagoda Hack Day


In order to create a better web3 and open source era in Asia, we believe it is very important to create our own tools to support collaboration using new technologies. For example, Pagoda Passport will be a good tool to give a form to contribution and trust.

It is fun to build with people from different backgrounds. On the other hand, it is often difficult to find time for such community activities due to work and family roles. Therefore, we will make time to get together with our members in advance to schedule a time so that we can continue to work on the project.


Every other month we will meet at a time and develop together for half a day.


The main focus will be on development time, but it will also be used as a time for communication to ensure smooth contributions afterwards. The best way to achieve this is to decide in advance what will be the focus of the day and the roles of each member.


Anyone willing to contribute may join by being introduced by a Pagoda contributor.


Intended to be done online; may want to hold an IRL Hack Day in time for a major event such as DevCon


Need to ask for a coordinator to coordinate schedules, set up meeting tools, etc.


What is sprint?

Sprint is a project approach in which we decide on a period of about three months and the implementation details to focus on, and then we improve the product while communicating synchronously and asynchronously during that period.

For contributor
